Roasted Culi Coffee Beans - AnTháiCafé 500g

Product code: GPG0
Price: Contact

Roasted Culi Coffee Beans of AnTháiCafé is processed by modern roasted technology of Germany, cherry coffee fruits have the same color to optimize the flavor of coffee beans.


Culi coffee is not a specific type of coffee, is not a type of coffee but rather a collection of special coffee fruits of the coffee lines (polyploid coffee beans), from which to A new kind of coffee was born. They are full of plump seeds, inside there is only 1 bean (often called Bi coffee).

Roasted Culi Coffee Beans are roasted in a separate mode, reasonable from experienced and high technical experts, creating a class of products rated class and "valuable". Products of Roasted Culi Coffee Beans - AnTháiCafé have unique features, bold, depth, outstanding "personality", outperforming ordinary coffee beans.

Due to very little production and higher nutritional content than other types, Culi coffee is likened to coffee devotees as "pearls" in the "coffee kingdom".

Cà phê hạt rang Culi - AnTháiCafé 500g

Ingredients: 100% Culi coffee beans


  • Application of the method "biological fermentation".
  • Unique combination between tradition and present.


  • The fragrance is deep, unique, elegant and gentle.
  • Dark bitter taste blends with sour, mixed with the fat of coffee beans.

cà phê hạt rang Culi AnTháiCafé 500g

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